USCIS Has Eliminated the 60-day Rule for Form I-693

USCIS Has Eliminated the 60-day Rule for Form I-693

Noncitizens in the US applying for certain immigration benefits must use Form I-693 to show they are free from any health-related conditions that would make them inadmissible. Normally, completed Form I-693 is valid for 2 years after the civil surgeon signs it, if the signature is no more than 60 days before the applicant files for the underlying immigration benefit. Due to COVID-19-related delays, USCIS has temporarily waived the 60-day rule since December 9, 2021, and is now removing it permanently. USCIS’s guidance permanently removing the requirement is effective as of 3/31/23, comments are due by 5/1/23.

Remzi Guvenc Kulen, Esq.
Kulen Law Firm, P.C.