Changes in Investment and Revenue Requirements for the International Entrepreneur Program

Changes in Investment and Revenue Requirements for the International Entrepreneur Program

The International Entrepreneur Rule (IER) allows DHS to grant up to 2,5 years of “parole” to noncitizen entrepreneurs if their U.S. start-up meets specific criteria. This can be extended by another 2,5 years based on additional benchmarks, totaling up to 5 years. Key details include:
Eligibility: Entrepreneurs must have established their start-up in the U.S. within the past five years.
Investment Criteria: The start-up must show significant growth potential with at least $264,147 from investors or $105,659 in government awards or other evidence.
Family Members: Spouses can apply for work authorization, but children cannot.
Entrepreneur Cap: Up to three entrepreneurs per start-up can qualify for parole.
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Remzi Guvenc Kulen, Esq.
Kulen Law Firm, P.C.