An Additional Method for receiving the ADIT stamp via mail.

An Additional Method for receiving the ADIT stamp via mail.

USCIS has introduced a new mail delivery process that allows lawful permanent residents to receive temporary evidence of their status without physically visiting a field office. This temporary evidence of status, known as an Alien Documentation, Identification and Telecommunication (ADIT) stamp, can be requested by those who do not have their Green Card or whose applications for a new Green Card, removal of conditions, or naturalization are still pending. USCIS will verify the requestor’s identity and mailing address and determine whether an in-person appointment is necessary. If not, USCIS will mail the applicant a Form I-94 with ADIT stamp and printed photo. USCIS has the discretion to determine the validity period of the ADIT stamp based on the situation of the lawful permanent resident, not to exceed one year. The new process aims to reduce the burden on applicants and increase the availability of field office resources.

An ADIT stamp is necessary for permanent residents who have filed an I-90 application and the 24-month extension on the receipt notice has expired, or for conditional residents who have filed an I-751 or I-829 petition to remove conditions and the 48-month extension on the receipt notice has expired. It is also needed for permanent or conditional residents who have filed these applications but do not have their physical card due to loss or damage. However, if a permanent or conditional resident has an expired card and a receipt notice for one of the mentioned applications with a corresponding automatic extension that has not yet expired, they do not need an ADIT stamp. Furthermore, permanent residents who filed form N-400 at least six months before their LPR card expires and received a receipt notice will have an automatic extension of their LPR card for 24 months and will not need an ADIT stamp during that period.
Remzi Guvenc Kulen, Esq.
Kulen Law Firm, P.C.